Monday, March 4, 2013

Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Programs

Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Programs
Easter Seals Loan Programs Open the Door to Equal Opportunities

The Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan (MA AT Loan) Program offers Massachusetts residents with disabilities and their families low-interest cash loans they can use to purchase assistive technology, devices and services that will increase their independence.  The program also loans low-cost assistive devices through its Long-Term Device Loan Program.
Both the Massachusetts AT Loan and Long-Term Device Loan programs are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for people with disabilities to live, learn, work and play.
The MA AT Loan Program has many options that can help — even for people who don’t think they would qualify for a loan.
Assistive technology helps provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities to live, learn, work and play. Many different items are considered assistive technology, including:
- Hearing aids
- Computers with special programs
- Flashing doorbells
- Electric wheelchairs or scooters
- Adapted vehicles
- Home modifications such as ramps and widened doorways
An assistive technology service helps people determine which device may be right for them.  It also helps people locate and purchase devices, trains them on their use, and provides maintenance and repair.  The MA AT Loan Program can refer loan recipients to assistive technology services that meet their specific needs
The Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program is operated by Easter Seals and funded by state and federal grants to the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

The Massachusetts Assistive Technology (MA AT) Long-Term Device Loan Program

The MA AT Long-Term Device Loan Program loans assistive devices that cost less than $500 directly to Massachusetts residents with disabilities.  Easter Seals operates the program, which is at no cost to the borrower.

Who can get equipment through the MA AT Long-Term Device Loan Program?
If you are a Massachusetts resident with a disability or are acting on behalf of a relative with a disability, you may participate in the program.  This program is specifically for people with low household incomes, so financial need has to be demonstrated.
The applicant needs to show that the requested device can help the child or adult with a disability achieve greater independence and improved quality of life, and that it relates to a functional limitation imposed by his or her disability.
Is this really no cost to me?
Absolutely!  This program is designed to allow those with a demonstrated financial need to borrow low-cost devices they need to live more independently.  You may keep the device for as long as you need it.  When you no longer need the assistive device, it must be returned to the MA AT Long-Term Device Loan Program.

Easter Seals works with Sovereign Bank to provide the financing options.   Disability and elders’ organizations around the state are collaborating with Easter Seals to ensure that the program is available to everyone who would benefit from it. 
For more information about the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Programs, call Ferol Smith at 508-751-6431 or Leonidas Tonevski at 508-751-6428, email us
Information and an application form also are available online at

Our goal for the past 25+ years here at Automotive Innovations Bridgewater, MA, Massachusetts, is to provide our customers with access to the best sales, service and repair for all the leading wheelchair accessible mobility vehicles, hand controls and devices that can offer you greater freedom and independence. We are your New England adaptive mobility equipment dealer and offer a full line of VMI wheelchair accessible vans, or Vantage Mobility International products, and we have a team of Certified Mobility Consultants who are always ready to help you learn about the benefits and features of full sized handicap vans, new and used wheelchair vehicles, Ricon lifts, adaptive mobility equipment, and more.

Automotive Innovations
1000 Main St
Bridgewater, MA 02324

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